Neuro Note #4

For my fourth neuro note, I chose to take a look at amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). When I was in high school, there was a girl on my cheer team whose father suffered from this disease. I have never really known much about this disease, or what was going on with her father at home during this time. All I had ever heard was that it is a chronic muscle degenerating disease. The video “Alex Coriell’s Journey With ALS” on ALS News Today gave me a glimpse at what life with ALS looks like behind closed doors.  

Alex Coriell was only twenty-nine years old when he was diagnosed with ALS – this shocked me because I always thought people were always way older when the disease would onset. Alex’s muscles deteriorated quickly – he only had the disease for about two and a half years because it claimed his life. Alex was wheelchair bound, and he had to get a feeding tube put in because he lost his ability to use his fingers and hands. He had to use his nose to type on his iPad, and eventually he could only use his eyes (technology is incredible!). He even had to have an electronic robot talk for him, because he could not speak anymore. Alex’s personality shown through though; he was always positive, kept his eyes on Jesus, and was still an amazing father to his three boys. The part that stuck with me the most from this video was the clip of Alex’s wife showing the loss of muscle in his shoulder – there was so much muscle loss that he literally could not lift his arms up anymore. It broke my heart to think of my teammate watching this degeneration happening day by day in her own father, but then having to go to school and cheer practice each day, trying not to think about it. 


Videos and stories like Alex’s are the reason I am in OT school. His story is proof that there can be joy in the midst of such sorrow. Being an occupational therapist will surely allow me to manifest this joy in the lives of other people just like Alex. I finished this video with tears running down my face, because although ALS took his life, Alex kept a steadfast hope and trust in his God his entire journey. His story reminds me that no matter our circumstances, there is always beauty available; we just have to change our perspective. These stories truly encourage me to strive to be the best OT I can be for those with such a seemingly hopeless diagnosis.

Photo from

Henderson, W. (2018, February 01). Alex Coriell's journey with ALS. Retrieved August 08, 2020, from


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